Suiting Up For Master Chief
Jonathan Groves, a North Idaho College graphic design student, spent five months building this Master Chief suit for this morning's release of the Halo 4 video game. Groves, in the suit, greeted gamers at the GameStop and Wal-Mart on Mullan Avenue in Post Falls on Monday night before the game's release. Here, Derek Zaugg, 10, Hayden, and his mother, Shauna, ask questions. (Coeur d'Alene Press photo: Brian Walker)
Halo 4 suits Jonathan Groves just fine. The North Idaho College graphic design student spent the past five months building a fiberglass Master Chief suit in anticipation of this morning's release of the Halo 4 video game for Xbox 360. Groves, who is 6-feet-10-inches and 7-feet-3-inches with the suit on, greeted gamers and added to the anticipation of the game's release on Monday night at the GameStop and Wal-Mart on Mullan Avenue in Post Falls. "I made it custom to fit my body," the Post Falls resident said. "I just wanted to be a part of the excitement of the release." Halo 4 is the first installment in a new trilogy of Halo series games called the "Reclaimer Trilogy." It begins four years after the ending of Halo 3 and marks the return of the Master Chief as the main protagonist/Brian Walker, Coeur d'Alene Press. More here.
Question: Do you play XBox games? Do your children? Which games?