Rape Talk Trips Up Another GOP Male
Randy Stapilus/Ridenbaugh Press discusses the how GOP congressional candidate John Koster of Washington may have entered the "rape talk hall of fame":
One of Koster’s problematic areas, in a district largely economically conservative but more socially liberal, has been his social conservatism, especially on abortion and related subjects. Last weekend, he was on tape saying this: “On the rape thing, it’s like, how does putting more violence onto a woman’s body and taking the life of an innocent child that’s the consequence of this crime, how does that make it better? You know what I mean?” Asked about incest and rape, he described incest as “so rare” – the suggestion being that it’s so uncommon as to hardly merit cognizance." More here.
Question: Does this comment put Koster in the same category of insensitive numbskull as Todd Akin and Richard Mourdoch?