TGIF Wild Card — 5.18.12
Next week, it'll be time for a V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N, which I need after juggling the triple crown of local controversies at HucksOnline for the last few months: Recall/GOPrimary/Jacobson subpoena. Solid gold stuff at the page-view turnstiles. Officially banked my first million page-views for the year -- on election day, no less. And currently headed for a record year. I'd like to thank Mary/Frank/Kathy, the dysfunctional Republicans, and Tina for getting HBO off to a fast start this year. But I need a breather. Plan to finish my yard overhaul. Cindy's warming up in the bullpen. Brace yourself for too many cat photos next week. Now for your TGIF Wild Card ...