AM: Soggiest March Ain’t Over
Golf balls lie in the soggy Indian Canyon golf course driving range as geese swim in some of the deeper puddles Thursday in Spokane. Rainy cold days have delayed the opening of the course which hopes to welcome golfers this weekend or the beginning of next week. The soggiest March in Inland Northwest history isn't over yet. Story here. (SR photo: Christopher Anderson)
- Idaho Records/Sherry Adkins
- UMontana fires football coach, AD/Fritz Neighbor, Missoulian
- Murdered Montana teacher funeral today/Rob Rogers, Gazette
- Otter gives 2012 legislative session 'A'/Betsy Russell, Eye On Boise
- Idaho Legislature cuts top earners' taxes/Betsy Russell, Eye On Boise
- Idaho House Democrats lament 'war of women'/Dan Popkey, Statesman
- UMontana footballers have had repeat brushes w/law recently/Missoulian
- Whitefish, Mont., man who shot 2 deer near downtown charged/Daily Inter Lake
- Spokane Girl Scouts peeper now a sex offender/Meghann Cuniff, Sirens & Gavels
- Orbusmax Special: Bacon coffin lets bacon lovers die & go to heaven here
Question: Do you enjoy living through record weather events, just to say you did (most snow, most rain, etc.)?