Lake Of Nonini Tactic: ‘Think It Stinks’
Asked what he thinks about House Education Chairman Bob Nonini's scholarship tax credit bill bypassing the House Rev & Tax Committee, instead coming through Education, House Tax Chairman Dennis Lake, R-Blackfoot, said, “I think it stinks.” Asked if the bill would have passed in Rev & Tax, Lake said, “Who knows? I'm not going to speak for the committee, but at least we ought to have a chance to take a look at it and see how it fit in with all the other tax credits we do, and we do a lot of 'em.” He noted that the panel hasn't done any this big in some time. Nonini's bill would give $10 million a year in tax credits for donations to scholarships for K-12 kids to attend private schools/Betsy Russell, Eye On Boise. More here.
- Lake objects to Nonini moving tax bill through House Ed & not Revenue & Tax
- House recesses until 1 p.m., heads into caucus
Question: Nonini claims his bill will save money because it'd thin the ranks of public school students. Lake says he thinks the bill stinks. Who's right?