House OKs Texting While Driving Ban
After years of debate, the Idaho House has passed a ban on texting while driving, voting 53-17 in favor of legislation proposed by Sen. Jim Hammond, R-Coeur d’Alene. The bill, 1274a, now returns to the Senate for concurrence in a House amendment that removed an exemption for law enforcement or emergency vehicles; they said they didn’t want or need the exemption, and Hammond backed the amendment. The Senate passed the original bill Feb. 21 on a 29-6 vote. In January, an 18-year-old Caldwell woman, Taylor Sauer, died in a Idaho freeway crash while texting. Her family offered tearful testimony in favor of the bill in committee hearings in both houses/Betsy Russell, Eye On Boise. More here. (Betsy Russell's SR photo: Shauna Sauer addresses the Senate Transportation Committee, accompanied by her husband, Clay, and four surviving children)
Question: Right call?