Spensah Tales: The Waterboarding
The Joker presents the second in his series about a fictional character based on a well-known Kootenai County character in "Spensah Tales: The Waterboarding":
Larry came to in complete blackness. He was sitting on steel chair, his arms bound behind his black. His felt the
steel shackles on his legs. He realized he was completely naked as the cold air of the room hit his skin. He couldn’t see a thing. Some one had placed a black bag over his head. Suddenly, the bag was yanked off his head. A bright spotlight shone on his face. He squinted as his eyes slowly adjusted. “Good morning, Larry. I trust you slept well,” a voice came from the darkness. It was Cliff. “We’re going to have a little talk about where you live exactly.” Larry straining against the ropes on his arms quickly realized there was no hope of freeing himself. “So Larry, what roads can you use to get to Costco?” Cliff asked. “What? Come on,” Larry stammered. “I, I, I don’t have to answer that.” Then two middle-aged women from the clerk’s office emerged from the shadows carrying a large metal tub with water in it. More below.
Cliff moved forward toward Larry wearing rubber gloves. Cliff ran his fingers through Larry’s hair, “Oh yes you do, Larry. I am not going to ask again.”
“I have rights,” Larry said. “Wait til Dave Oliveria hears about…”
Cliff forced Larry’s head into the water. Larry tried to lit his head but he couldn’t he was drowning. Then his head was jerked up, gasping for air. He let out a scream, “It’s Government Way and Neider.”
“Good,” Cliff said. “We have many questions for you and I have all day. Where do you rent your movies?”
“I, uhh, I have don’t rent,” Larry said and then his head was pushed back into the water.