RC: Idaho Cuckoo For Mitt? Not Really
Red Cedar: These vote totals mean nothing when the method of voting is to keep voting until the caucus has picked its single “winner”. There is no way that the majority of Idahoans favored Romney, at least not outside of the Mormon flatland down south. The majority favored someone other than Romney, but the way they ran the caucuses, everyone had to keep voting in round after round with the lowest vote-getter being eliminated in each round, until the caucus had (hypothetically, and for media spin purposes) “settled” on a winner. The reality is there is no consensus around Romney amongst the rank-and-file Republicans, nor is there any around any of the other candidates. When Romney gets around 1/3 of the votes in the first round, which is about as many as he’d get in a primary, it’s hard for me to see it as a “handy” win. (Robert Bower AP Photo /Post Register: Elizabeth Kendall, 18, of Ashton, Idaho, was excited to help choose a presidential candidate)
Question: What do you make of Red Cedar's point that Idaho might not be as cuckoo for Mitt Romney as he first appears?