MB: Resort Shoulda Kept Bar Open
Meesterbox: It was a bit frustrating after the first round when only (Buddy Roemer, pictured) was eliminated. He received zero votes at our location and only made the process that much longer. Also in the first round Gingrich received 15.1% of the votes. I did the math and if 4 people would not have voted for Newt county wide, he too would have been eliminated in the first round. Everyone had their phones and tablets out tracking the states progress and Romney did loose a significant number of supports once it was shown he had all Idaho regardless of our votes. Although it was frustrating at times, it was great to be involved in the process. There was one mistake made last night - the resort should have kept the drink bar open in the hallway. They could have made a lot of $$ in between rounds.
Question: Tell us about your experience with the first Idaho GOP caucus?