Solons Laud IEA Despite Loud ‘Nays’
HCR 48, congratulating the Idaho Education Association on the 120th anniversary of its founding, has passed the House on a voice vote - but with lots of loud “nay” votes. No one debated against the resolution, which is co-sponsored by Rep. Shirley Ringo, D-Moscow, and Sen. Edgar Malepeai, D-Pocatello; it moves now to the Senate. Ringo told the House the association was created on March 3, 1892, when the state superintendent of public instruction issued a call “to teacher of the state to convene and organize a permanent association.” The measure resolves “that members of the Idaho Education Association be congratulated on their organization's 120th anniversary and their service to the teaching profession and to the children of Idaho/Betsy Russell, Eye on Boise. And: Idaho Education Association resolution
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Question: Are you surprised that the Idaho Legislature would pass this resolution?