‘Poop Art’ Comes To Plant Near You
Poop jokes come with the territory. As do snickers and giggles, says Allen Dodge, as he jokes about the possibility of including sculptures of dung beetles for a commissioned piece of art to be installed at Coeur d’Alene’s Wastewater Treatment Plant. Instead of beetles, Allen and wife, Mary Dee, created ten 10-foot-high abstracted welded-steel sculptures that will be installed at the Wastewater Plant’s new laboratory/administration building, collections shop and maintenance facility along Hubbard Street. Dale Young’s “Totem to the Water of Life” was also commissioned. The wastewater commission is just the latest in Coeur d’Alene’s ongoing tizzy about funding — the urban renewal organization known as Lake City Development Corp., the Mayor’s Institute on City Design, funding public art — but the Dodges are taking it all in stride. “All things repeat themselves in nature, from microscopic on up,” adds Allen, also known for his work with the Human Rights Education Institute, school districts and public libraries/Carrie Scozzaro, Inlander. More here. (Allen Dodge photo)
Question: Do you like the public art at the wastewater treatment plant?