Boise Tea Party: ‘Empeach’ Obama
Nearly 12 hours after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its landmark ruling, upholding much of what they call "Obamacare," members of the Boise Tea Party broke out their tri-corner hats and Don't Tread on Me flags to protest the decision Thursday evening on the steps of the Idaho Statehouse. Chad Inman, president of Tea Party Boise, went through a laundry list of his group's priorities. "No. 1, repeal Obamacare, the largest tax increase in history," Inman told the crowd. "No. 2, vote for congressmen that will overturn Obamacare." Inman followed with his other priorities, including an elimination of the Environmental Protection Agency and the departments of Education and Energy. One of the tea partiers, Jim Haskin, complete with his misspelled "empeach" sign, insisted that Obama was what he called an "insider" but when Citydesk asked Haskin about any man or woman becoming an insider once they were elected into office, he thought for a moment/George Prentice, Boise Weekly. More here. (AP file photo from 2010 Boise Tea Party event)
Question: Is it time to "empeach" Barack Obama?