AM Headlines — 6.27.12
Aaron Cada left and Alicia Tatum had to use a rowboat to get to Tatum's cousin's mobile home in Bonners Ferry Tuesday. Becky Kramer SR story here. (Kathy Plonka SR photo)
- Idaho Records/Sherry Adkins, SR
- Record rainfall hits Coeur d'Alene/CdA Press
- Dog shot in home invasion in North Spokane/SR
- Seattle triathlete dies after Ironman medical emergency/KXLY
- Ruling against Montana election law could propel spending/AP
- Human legs found near Butte/John Grant Emeigh, Butte Standard
- About 1000 pieces of stolen mail found in Spokane/Meghann Cuniff, S&G
- Post Falls council rejects Highway 41 bike/pedestrian path/Brian Walker, Press
- Orbusmax Special: Facebook status update: My plane just crashed in Alaska wilderness here