Title IX Approaches 40th Anniversary
Emily Miller remembers learning about Title IX during history class, probably sometime in junior high. She's a little fuzzy on the details, including how and why it came about. Every time she steps on the soccer field, though, she feels its effect. At 16, Miller can't even imagine who she'd be without the game. She's played since kindergarten, and credits soccer for her independence and self-confidence. Now a starter on the varsity team at New Trier High School in suburban Chicago, she's proud when someone describes her as "the athlete" or "the soccer player." "Soccer," she said, "is what makes me Emily Miller." As Title IX celebrates its 40th anniversary Saturday, the WNBA is in its 16th season, Hope Solo and Natalie Coughlin will be two of the biggest names at the London Olympics and participation numbers for women in college and high school athletics are at an all-time high/Associated Press. More here. (2011 AP file photo of U.S. goalkeeper Hope Solo of the Tri-Cities, Wash., during Women's World Soccer Cup)
Question: How has Title IX affected you?