Genesee To Be Luna Guinea Pig
It looks like a local school district will be a guinea pig this fall for the Students Come First initiative put forward by Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna. The Idaho Department of Education named Genesee School District among 32 others across the state to receive the laptops, after 170 high schools applied and were blindly rated by a committee. That gives Latah County a decided advantage in the implementation process of the 1:1 initiative, because it allows for some technical questions to be answered. Giving taxpayer-funded, expensive electronics to teenagers shouldn't happen without shedding light on some details."The Genesee School District is excited to be one of the first districts to receive the 1:1 laptop devices," Superintendent Wendy Moore said in a prepared statement. "We believe this initiative will help bring greater educational opportunities for our students and help raise academic achievement. ... That sounds great, but how will it help raise academic achievement?/Kelsie Moseley, Moscow-Pullman Daily News. More here.
Question: How will Tom Luna's free computers raise academic achievement in Idaho?