Wild Card/Monday — 6.11.12
Coeur d'Alene Held Hostage, Day 66: As Yogi Berra said: "It ain't over until it's over." Mary Souza & Co. may or may not have delivered the adequate number of signatures to City Hall to trigger a recall of arch political enemy Mayor Sandi Bloem & Co. But that doesn't mean Souza-Orzill-Sims Recallers will succeed in recalling the Mayor Bloem & the better half of the City Council. Wisconsin proves that it's one thing to collect the signatures and quite another to succeed in a recall. Mary & Sims, of course, are embedded in the local Republican Party, which has transformed political dysfunctionalism into an art form. The Recallers have proven they have the organization to pull off this bloodless coup. It'll be interesting to see if the city of Coeur d'Alene continues to lead these Pied Pipers back into the 20th Century. Now for this week's first Wild Card ...