Stop The Recall Group Files Complaint
Recaller Tom Kane tries to wave down drivers at his table located south of the intersection of Best Avenue and 6th Place in Coeur d"Alene Friday. (Phantom Photographer photo)
Item: Stop the Recall files complaint: Seeks investigation of RecallCDA claims/Bill Buley, Coeur d'Alene Press
More Info: Leaders of Stop the Recall filed a complaint with the city Thursday that they hope leads to a formal investigation of what they say are false claims made by RecallCDA. The complaint addresses the "overwhelming and persistent misinformation being spread by organizers and volunteers in the effort to gather signatures for the petitions" to recall Mayor Sandi Bloem, and council members Deanna Goodlander, Mike Kennedy, and Woody McEvers. "By filing a formal complaint, we are taking legal steps to inform the people of Coeur d'Alene of the mistruths being spread by RecallCDA, and in turn to hopefully bring an end to their blatant disregard of the law and basic civility," wrote Jennifer Drake, co-chair of Stop the Recall, in an email to the Press.
Question: What do you think will be the outcome of this complaint?