MikeK Adds City Hall Perspective
MikeK (re: Coeur d'Alene budget calls for 2% hike): Here’s a little insight, some perspective, and a few facts. There have been foregone raises and voluntary givebacks already during this long recession. Management has been dealing with the employee associations about voluntary rejection of their contracted COLA for this year - providing respectful collaborative leadership to attack budget concerns. That is happening as we speak. The city population has increased. Demand for services has increased. Yet there are fewer employees providing those services today than there were three, four, or five years ago. A number of early retirement packages are being negotiated that will result in savings, and some of those positions are not going to be replaced. Of those that are, they will normally be replaced by newer entry level employees at a lower salary that will not have the accrued benefits and may have additional responsibilities from reorganizations. This will be saving money, though there is a hidden cost in experience. More here.