Vito Refuses To Go Through Scanners
Dalton Gardens Republican Rep. Vito Barbieri, who a year ago labeled the Affordable Care Act "socialism," and sponsored a nullification bill of what he called "Obamacare," this year has another federal behemoth in his crosshairs: the Transportation Security Administration. In an interview with the Idaho Reporter, Barbieri said he hadn't consulted with the TSA about a measure that would outlaw unwanted searches at Idaho airports, and he wasn't "even sure that the state has the authority to end the pat-downs," but he still was ready to introduce a bill that would amend Idaho Code preventing TSA personnel from touching a person without consent. But in a real head-scratcher, Barbieri, in the same interview, said he also opposed full-body scans of passengers/George Prentice, Boise Weekly. More here.
Question: Would you want to go back to the way airport security was handled pre-9/11?