ESPN Fires Editor For Headline Slur
The ESPN editor fired Sunday for using "chink in the armor" in a headline about Knicks phenom Jeremy Lin said the racial slur never crossed his mind - and he was devastated when he realized his mistake. "This had nothing to do with me being cute or punny," Anthony Federico told the Daily News. "I'm so sorry that I offended people. I'm so sorry if I offended Jeremy." The headline - "Chink in the Armor: Jeremy Lin's 9 Turnovers Cost Knicks in Streak-stopping Loss to Hornets" - appeared on ESPN's mobile website at 2:30 a.m. on Saturday and was removed by 3:05 a.m. Battling to contain a furor, the sports network fired Federico/Irving Dejohn & Helen Kennedy, New York Daily News. More here. (AP photo: New York Knicks' Jeremy Lin, center, drives through Dallas Mavericks' Vince Carter, right, and Dominique Jones)
Question: Is ESPN over-reacting to an honest mistake? Or is it acting appropriately whether or not the mistake was intentional?