Commish Green Seeks Re-election
Republican Dan Green has announced he will seek another term as Kootenai County Commissioner. Green, who won the Republican nomination for County Commissioner in 2010 by a 24 point margin and was unopposed in the General Election, expects to be challenged in the Republican primary because of the conservative changes made under his leadership at the courthouse. "We made some tough decisions to eliminate positions, change employee benefits and streamline the county government; applying conservative principles to county government is sure to make certain folks unhappy." Green said. Dan Green is a longtime Kootenai County resident. He and his wife of 26 years, Linda, have two sons in college. Dan started a forest products company in 1995 and retired from the firm in 2008/Dan Green news release. More here.
Question: Do you support Kootenai County Commissioner Dan Green's re-election bid?