Barbieri’s Raw Milk Bill Shot Down
Dalton Gardens Rep. Vito Barbieri proposed legislation this afternoon to ease Idaho's rules on sales of raw milk, and ran into opposition in the House Agriculture Committee, whose members noted that extensive work was done just last year to revise Idaho's rules for raw milk. “We did compromise a lot,” said Rep. Jim Patrick, R-Twin Falls. “This kinda takes a lot of that away.” Said Rep. Dennis Lake, R-Blackfoot, “I think this is opening the door that we tried to close last year.” Rep. Roy Lacey, D-Pocatello, said, “I'm concerned about this, because it pretty much opens it up to everybody. Pretty much anybody can produce raw milk and sell it.” Barbieri responded, “I believe you're correct”/Betsy Russell, Eye On Boise. More here. (AP file photo for illustrative purposes)
Question: Would you like to see the rules eased for raw milk production in Idaho?