Andrus: A Common-Sense Sportsman
Former Governor Cecil D. Andrus (pictured in SR file photo) said it best: I never met a deer armed with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. He’s well known as a sportsman who gets his elk and deer annually for the family larder, and fills the edges of the freezer with pheasants, ducks, geese, wild turkeys and chukars, all of which he hunts annually. This past fall he nailed his six-point bull elk with one shot at 340 yards. He fundamentally supports the Second Amendment right of a citizen to keep and bear arms. He does not believe, as some interpreters of the Constitution do, that the right is meant just for a militia. That said he also believes common sense has to be applied. That means society can through Congress sanction reasonable curbs such as banning cop-killer bullets and imposing waiting periods before purchase/Chris Carlson, Carlson Chronicles. More here.
Question: Have your views on gun control changed at all in view of the shootings in Aurora, Newtown and assorted others this year?