Vestal: Hate Crimes Not Taken Lightly
Are we in the midst of a wave of anti-gay violence in Spokane? A pattern with ongoing momentum? Some people think so. But there is unquestionably a pattern emerging from several recent events, and it has to do more with the response of the gay community and Spokane at large: an outpouring of concern, outrage, indignation and passion. If there is discouraging news in recent incidents in which gay men were beaten – and there is plenty – there is also a silver lining in the insistence that such crimes not be taken lightly. “People are standing up and speaking about this,” said Matthew Cannon, board member of the Inland Northwest LGBT Center. “I don’t think this is something that’s going to go away”/Shawn Vestal, SR. More here.
Question: Have you ever witnesses a hate crime?