Racist Vincent Bertollini Resurfaces
The Hate Watch Blog of the Southern Poverty Law Center reports that former Sandpoint racist Vincent Bertollini has resurfaced: "Recently released after several years in federal prison, Richard Vincent Bertollini has moved across the country and changed his name in order to make “a fresh start.” But the energetic propagandist of yesteryear is still peddling his same brand of vitriolic hatred directed at Jews and the U.S. government. Bertollini — an ordained minister of the neo-Nazi group Aryan Nations, formerly based in northern Idaho — now calls himself “Vince Bert,” Hatewatch has learned. The would-be stealth racist, aiming to shed his North Idaho reputation and remain under the radar, recently moved to Albuquerque from Santa Fe, N.M., where he maintains a post office box." More here. (Photo: Hate Watch blog)
Question: Do you remember Bertollini and the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger?