IFF: Fat Pensions Hit School Funding
School officials are rejoicing over the news that the state's robust tax collections have allowed the disbursement of $60 million to the districts and charters across the state. In Coeur d'Alene, furlough days are being canceled, textbooks purchased and raises, euphemistically described as "additional salary compensation for experience and education" are being awarded to teachers. Twin Falls officials, according to one news account, negotiated away any windfall money as part of their collective bargaining agreement with the local teachers' union. In Pocatello, school officials are planning to restore jobs previously eliminated. ... What neither the school districts nor the teachers' unions will tell you is that, while they've been cutting classroom textbooks, teachers, sports and music programs, schools continue to use and heartily defend their luxurious benefit program that awards payments for life to its beneficiaries/Wayne Hoffman, Idaho Freedom Foundation. More here.
Question: Do you have a pension plan that's as good as the one offered by the state of Idaho?