Aryans Stage Protest Near HR Institute
I have a friend who moved here last year from the Portland area and she called me a few minutes ago about the Aryans on NW Blvd. She was freaking out, crying, saying she couldn't believe her eyes, that she'd never seen anything like it in her life and that she wanted to puke. She had driven around the block three times to holler (expletive deleted) at them, at which point they all gave her the finger and cheered wildly. To me, the saddest part is how nonplussed I was by this news. I told her that it's not that uncommon to see those idiots around town doing their hate thing. I told her that they thrive on attention and in the future it'd probably be best to just ignore them and go along her merry way, or she's just feeding into exactly what they're after: a reaction. Depressing, because I should be more outraged by these things but I have just become a bit numb to it/OrangeTV. More below.
Question: Have you become numb to the presence of supremacist activity in the Coeur d'Alene/Hayden area?
Frustrating, because there's nothing anyone can really do that isn't already being done about it (Human Rights events, forums, dirty looks and yelling) without crossing the line into illegal territory and giving them a reason to start a lawsuit or worse. Way to put a damper on an otherwise fine MLK day…