Who Sez Christie Won’t Debate?
In the comments section, ThomG points out that OpenCDA.com is claiming incorrectly -- what else is new? -- that Christie Wood is unwilling to debate Robert Ketchum in their North Idaho College Board of Trustees race. Sez Mary: "Come on, Christie, it's time to 'woman-up' and schedule a public debate!" ThomG points that all four trustee candidates for the two NIC posts will participate in at least two candidate forums -- noon Tuesday at the ASNIC forum on NIC campus and noon Friday at the Democratic Club luncheon. (The Young Professionals are also scheduling an NIC forum next week.) Seems Christie doesn't have time for a Reagan Republicans forum that Mary favors. Also ThomG: "It is surprising that Dan Gookin an author and notoriously anal-retentive critic of bad grammar and misspelling would actually misspell Christies name (as "Christy"). Multiple times.
Question: Is two or three debate forums enough for any candidate. Or do they also have to attend Mary & Dan's Reagan Republicans forum to make things official?