High Noon: Kerri Gets KVNI Gig
The KXLY Broadcast Group announces the addition of Main Street
Monday to the KVNI AM1080 morning line-up. Kerri Thoreson will headline
the show from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Monday mornings, interviewing an array of
guests from the community and showcasing the people who make a difference in the
Coeur d’Alene/Post Falls area. Thoreson is a long-time resident of
Kootenai County and writes the popular Main Street column in the Coeur d’Alene
Press on Wednesdays. Her Main Street Birthday Club has grown to thousands of
members and will be a feature of the new KVNI program. “What a great
additional opportunity to highlight why I love where I live ...the people!” said
Thoreson. (Kerri writes about it in her Main Street column today)
Question: Which radio station/program do you listen to most?