Some Solons Oppose Anderson Move
(State Rep. Eric Anderson, R-Priest River), who filed the second ethics complaint after news of Hart’s 1996 timber theft surfaced, left the tour early and was back home Tuesday morning. “This has been really hard on me and the family,” he said. “I’ve had a lot of calls. They’ve been very supportive from the general public, but I would say less supportive by some,” including some other lawmakers. Anderson said people in his district feel strongly that Hart’s actions, both on his tax fights and the timber theft, were wrong. “It’s obvious to most in my home of Priest Lake that these are serious things that he’s been involved in,” he said/Betsy Russell, SR. More here.
- Hart quote in CdA Press: ""He (Anderson) is rehashing some issues that have already been settled," Hart said. "At this point in time it's a distraction."
Question: Why do you suppose that Anderson in District 1 has spoken out against Hart, when not one of the 12 legislators who represent Kootenai County has?