DanG Surpised By Some Results
At OpenCDA.com, Dan Gookin goes through an exercise in which he posts his picks, predictions, and winners of the recent election. Interestingly, he thought Walt Minnick, Dan English, and Jody Deluca-Hissong were going to win seats. Obviously, he was delighted that he is wrong re: OpenCDA punching bag County Clerk Dan English. Of the 4 constitutional amendments that passed, he writes: "Very bummed about these Constitutional Amendments. On their own, they
may seem rather mild, but remember that there are no limits on on what
the money can be spent." Also, he was bummed that the team of Ron Nilson & Robert Ketchum didn't grab North Idaho College trustee seats: "Ron Nilson would have been a breath of fresh air. Dr. Ketchum is
brilliant." I consider the trustee election to be the best outcome of a predictable and otherwise so-so night. See DanG's scorecard here.
Question: Which election result pleasantly surprised you most?