Kelli: How Did Wood-Howard Survive?
Kelli Rooks: I think a lot of the “problem” with the closeness is that those
candidates weren't labeled Republican or Democrat since it's a
non-partisan race. Wood and Howard were listed on the Kootenai County
Democrats' website, but the Kootenai County GOP didn't list anyone for
the NIC Trustee position. A couple of people approached me today after
voting and asked about those candidates, and when I told them of that
fact they said it would have probably changed their vote—as it was they
voted for whoever's name sounded better, voted for the only woman in the
trustee race, or just chose not to vote at all for those positions.
Question: How did Christie Wood & Ken Howard survive the hard charge and large advertising budget of Ron Nilson & Robert Ketchum in the Republican sweep?