ICL Blog: R.I.P. Rathdrum Prairie
Can you say "sprawl?" As if there isn't enough of this unsightly and wasteful use of land, the Kootenai County Commissioners just assured everyone that sprawl and leap-frog development will continue as usual. Rest in peace, Rathdrum Prairie. So long, rural character. After nearly a year of deliberations on the county's draft comprehensive land use plan—the blueprint for growth in the county—commissioners Rick Currie and Rich Piazza voted last week to throw out all density guidelines in the plan. Essentially, this means the plan gives no guidance whatsoever for how many homes per acre (or minimum lot size) should be allowed in rural areas versus urban or suburban areas. This is where the rubber usually meets the road in a land-use plan/Susan Drumheller (pictured), Idaho Conservation League. More here.
- As the 1st District race turns/Adam Graham, Adam's Blog
- Idaho needs Phil Batt once again/Dennis Mansfield
- It's a work in progress/Fort Boise
- Hoffman's weasling/D2's Blog, 43rd State Blues
- Sick blue attitude/BillH, Free In Idaho!
- Tea Party Boise: Problem w/anti-leadership organization/Randy Stapilus
Question: How much longer will it be before the Rathdrum Prairie is covered w/houses?