APhoto Of The Day — 5.17.10
Donald Branson Vice President of The Connecticut Parachutists Inc. in Ellington, Conn., tries to untangle the leg of a 36-year-old student jumper who got caught about 25 feet up in a tree while parachuting at Ellington, Conn. Airport, Sunday. The woman was unharmed but it took the Ellington Fire Department about one hour to free her from the tree. You write the cutline. (AP Photo/Journal Inquirer,Jim Michaud)
Top Cutlines:
- 1. Cindy hoping her dream to be rescued by a team of firefighters would finally happen instead is saved by some dude named Donald -- CoeurGenX.
- 2. A failed CEO activates her golden parachute, failing once again -- Herb.
- 3. International Baccalaureate opponents get tangled up in facts -- Nic.
- HM: Cabbage Boy