Avista Dan: A Nice Living, But …
Dan_at_Avista: There's a funny thing that happened a few years back when the government standardized how companies report compensation. You can see it in our proxy. It ends up being called total compensation, but factors in many things that don't actually go into that individual’s paycheck (value of stock even if it’s not sold, pension value, etc.). Those costs make the total comp number quite a bit higher than if you really compared numbers with another worker/employee. The story breaks out those costs and you can see its lower - even if the headline is $3M because that’s the total value/potential. The total is still a rather nice living - no question about it - but closer to what the poll is calling for.
- Also: Annual reporting means more transparency/Jessie Wuerst, Avista
Question: Dunno about you but I have to give Avista Dan a hat tip for having the courage to wade into a tough situation like this? Ditto for Avista for allowing him to do so? What do you think?