Sis: Republican Waterloo
Kudos to banjomike for being Johnny on the spot with the link to the rational political analysis from former Reagan speechwriter David Frum who accurately criticizes Republicans for their all or nothing campaign on health care reform. And like Napoleon after Waterloo, they now have nothing because they put politics over policy, threatening to turn our country into a cynical wasteland just so they can try and be in charge again. I especially appreciated his acknowledgment of how the teabagger juggernaut does nothing to move America forward/Sisyphus, 43rd State Blues. David Frum column and rest of comment here.
- Labrador, Ward statements re: Obamacare passage/Adam's Blog
- 2-fer: Health care reform roundup, and: Time to start over/Fort Boise
- 2-fer: Senate Minority Leader Kelly calls it quits, and: Reacting to Idaho health care reform reactions/Kevin Richert
- Idaho rundown on candidate filings/Randy Stapilus, Ridenbaugh Press
- 3-fer: Treasure Valley blogs, and: Local reactions to health care reform passage, and: Daily politics brief, and: Monday morning news/Treasured Valley
Question: If the historic health care reform bill was a waterloo for one party or the other, which party will ultimately suffer the most from it?