Fighting fires, solving crimes
Inspector Greg Bennett and Assistant fire marshal and investigator Paul Chase, right, investigate a fire in a chicken coop in the 4000 block of North Willow Road.
Spokane Valley Fire seems to have more than its fair share of arson fires, but it also solves more than is standard because of a strong group of five fire investigators who are on call 24 hours a day.
Assistant fire marshal and fire investigator Clifton Mehaffey said that the numbers that show Valley Fire with higher-than-normal arson fires are probably misleading. In Spokane County only the Spokane Valley, Spokane and Airway Heights Fire Departments have fire investigators with arrest powers. Fire District 9 has investigators but they have no police powers. “In the remainder of the county, fires aren’t investigated,” he said. “It’s about underreporting, frankly.” Read more. Nina Culver, Spokesman Review
You really didn't think I'd let the week go by without a firefighter story, did you?