Minnick Doesn’t Back Health Care Bill
Rep. Walt Minnick, D-Idaho, has already said it's unlikely he'll support the health care bill about to come before the House, but he reiterated his stance Thursday. "I would vote for responsible legislation," Minnick said. "But the bill I think we’re going to be voting on, I have indicated I can’t support." It’s too big, Minnick said, and he doesn’t think it does enough to reduce the cost of health care. "The real problem is cost," he said. "And this is a bill that is too expensive, it’s not paid for, and it doesn’t do enough to control cost"/Erika Bolstad, Idaho Politics. More here.
- Energy assistance program ends early/Brad Iverson-Long, Idaho Reporter
- Labor, human rights merger gets spending OK/Brad Iverson-Long, Idaho Reporter
- Judiciary panel gives tribe, county 6 days to agree/Dustin Hurst, Idaho Reporter
Question: Does the stand taken against the current health care reform bill by Congressman Walt Minnick mirror yours?