NIdaho Counties Oppose Tribe Bill
Update: Commissioners Rich Piazza (Kootenai), Jon Cantamessa (Shoshone), Jack Buell (Benewah), Ronald Smith (Boundary), and Lewis Rich (Bonner), and Dan Dinning (District 1 chairman) signed the resolution on behalf of their counties. Neither Dan English or Sheriff Rocky Watson were present at the meeting in which Kootenai elected officials signed off on the resolution. You can read the resolution here.
An interesting but all too brief of a story appears on the online edition of the St. Maries Gazette-Record this morning. It says in toto: "Elected officials in the five northern counties oppose the Coeur d’Alene Tribe’s legislation that mandates tribal officers be deputized. The officials voted unanimously Monday via teleconference for a resolution against the measure. The resolution will be forwarded to state legislators this week." I don't know whether the "elected officials" mentioned above are all county elected officials in North Idaho. Just county commissioners in North Idaho. Or representatives of the elected officials from the five counties. But I don't think County Clerk Dan English would support the stand against cross-deputization, especially in a county that has such an arrangement with the tribe. Stay tuned.