Tea Party Popular With Washington GOP
Outsiders were in at the Washington state Republican Convention, with candidates who align themselves with the Tea Party movement and conservative causes getting long and lengthy ovations. More than 1,200 delegates wrapped up the three-day meeting Saturday in Vancouver, hearing speech after speech castigating big government and Democrats, who hold power in both Washington, D.C., and Washington state. Enthusiasm aside, the August primary and not party conventions will decide the candidates for November's general election. "It's time we the people had the courage and fortitude to take our country back," U.S. Senate candidate Clint Didier told the gathering Saturday. "When I get to D.C., there's going to be hell to pay"/Associated Press. More here.
Cutline: Stephanie McClintock (center) and other delegates cheer keynote speaker former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney at the 2010 Washington State Republican Party Convention in Vancouver, Wash., on Saturday.
Question: Will the Tea Party strength within the Washington GOP carry over and have an impact in the Washington elections this November?