Gookin Blasts Legislature, Ysursa
Here's an example of the rhetoric I was discussing in my last post re: In a comment below yet another Bill McCrory slam on the local & state election system, Dan Gookin responds (No. 10 comment) that the Legislature has a collective IQ under 80. This, from an individual who is suppose to be a Republican re: the supermajority Republican Legislature. Quoth: "Honestly, we have the largest collection of do-nothings in the legislature." Gookin then takes a slap at respected Republican Secretary of State Ben Ysursa and says he regrets that no one is running against him. You can read it all here. I do applaud Gookin for this -- He's now commenting under his own name rather than hiding behind a pseudonym and letting Mary take all the heat.
Question: Isn't there a saying that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar? Is Gookin helping or hurting his future chances to run for office w/this rhetoric?