Rumor: Nadine Woodward To KXLY?
One of the more delicious rumors out there re: the makeover at KXLY is this: former KREM2 anchor Nadine Woodward will join Bud Nameck in the station's new morning show. At this point, this is sheer speculation -- and wouldn't meet the time able if Woodward had the usual non-compete clause of six months after she left KREM2 b/c she left last September when faced with a 15 percent pay cut, additional duties, and changes in her time schedule. Jim Kershner talks about the changes at KXLY (last item) in his weekend column here. Writes Jim: "Bud Nameck will return as the morning host of KXLY beginning Tuesday morning. A co-host will be announced soon, according to Brian Paul, radio marketing manager." Stay tuned ...
Question: What would you think of a morning news team of Nameck & Woodward on KXLY?