Twin Falls Seniors Busted For Poker
Older than most law breakers, a group of Twin Falls seniors muster little remorse for having played Texas Hold ’em. After all, their weekly games made them happy and shouldn’t be illegal, according to some area poker enthusiasts in their golden years. But police say nothing in the law permits Idahoans to gamble at any age. Earlier this month authorities went to the Twin Falls Senior Center and explained that weekly poker games there were illegal and had to end. About 20 seniors had played at the center for more than five years despite failing vision, fading memory and limited mobility, five of the seniors said on Friday. They enjoyed playing poker at the center and gave an estimated $400 to $500 to it per month. Each player would put in $20 to play, and the pot would be split among the top chip holders/Andrea Jackson, Twin Falls Times News. More here.
Question: Did the law do the right thing by shutting down the weekly poker game at the Twin Falls Senior Center?