Benewah County Adopts Wolf Plan
Commissioners have adopted a wolf management policy for Benewah County. “It’s our county recommendations for wolf management,” said Rod Halvorsen of the Benewah County Natural Resource Advisory Committee, which introduced the plan. “It amends the current predator policy which is part of the natural resource plan for the county.” The policy passed by a vote of 2-0-1, with commissioners Jack Buell and Bud McCall voting in favor and Cristina Crawford abstaining. The document states that the Board of Commissioners both “recognizes that the existence of the wolf in Benewah County threatens the culture, heritage, customs, property, and lives of the people of the county and restricts their free use of their own real estate and public lands” and considers the wolves to “represent an economic and cultural emergency”/Chris D'Angelo, St. Maries Gazette-Record. More here.
Question: Do you believe wolves "represent an economic and cultural emergency," as two of the Benewah County commissioners do?