Aryan Nations Moving To Oregon?
Originally published Friday night
Leaders of the Aryan Nations in Idaho say they want to move the headquarters of their white supremacist movement to Grant County. Paul R. Mullet, who called himself national director of the movement, was in John Day this week, looking at property to buy for a new "national compound." ... Mullet, wearing a uniform shirt with a swastika patch on it, said the group's goal is to create a homeland for white people. ... Mullet said his group's current headquarters is in Athol, Idaho, but it doesn't have the attributes of a real compound. If they can find the right building in John Day, he said, they will be able to provide barracks and space for training recruits, as well as a place for meetings and gatherings/Scotta Callister, Blue Mountain Eagle. More here.
- Residents to picket against Aryan Nations/Blue Mountain Eagle
- Tony Stewart, Norm Gissel to travel to John Day, and meeting notice/Blue Mountain Eagle
- Archives: Coeur d'Alene prosecutors drop littering charges/SR
- Background: Aryan Nations, Kootenai County Task Force On Human Relations
Question: Anyone going to shed a tear if these guys pull up stakes from Athol and head to John Day, Ore.?