Maggie: Yes, K-County Should Care
So why should Kootenai county care (about cross-deputization)? Well, there's the whole “good neighbor” thing and I don't know if you're aware of this, but counties are not surrounded by walls and razor wire with checkpoints. This is not a Gaza/Israel thing. People move freely between counties. Benewah has no major retail outlets so many of us go to Kootenai county and into Spokane for groceries and other goods as well as recreation and entertainment or the occassional use of government services. Most criminals do not politely stop at the county line when fleeing the police or committing a crime. A few head towards Latah, but most head north to Kootenai or northwest to Spokane. Enjoy. Once arrested there they are yours for the duration. Full comment below.
Any further questions?
Well Cabbage Boy (aptly monikered), I live and work in Benewah county. Because I know you'll question this, I'm white. I live in Plummer. I rarely see the county cops on the west side of Benewah county. What I do see are the Tribal cops.
They followed and caught a man who propositioned a young relative of mine. However, they had to hold him until the county came over to arrest him. They managed to do so and he was eventually arrested. He also eventually plead guilty to a lesser charge which given the problems with enforcement and jurisdiction here was the best we could get. The result. The perpetrator is free.
This county has a high ratio of sex offenders off and on the reservation. I have no doubt that this has to do with the poverty as well as the difficulties of enforcement. It's cheap to live here and the odds that the county cop will have time to make sure a registered offender is where he/she is supposed to be is low.
My experience with the Sherriff's office has been zero. I don't commit crimes to that's not surprising. My experience with the Tribal cops has all been positive. They are well trained and generally good at dissipating tense situations.
So why should Kootenai county care? Well, there's the whole “good neighbor” thing and I don't know if you're aware of this, but counties are not surrounded by walls and razor wire with checkpoints. This is not a Gaza/Israel thing. People move freely between counties. Benewah has no major retail outlets so many of us go to Kootenai county and into Spokane for groceries and other goods as well as recreation and entertainment or the occassional use of government services. Most criminals do not politely stop at the county line when fleeing the police or committing a crime. A few head towards Latah, but most head north to Kootenai or northwest to Spokane. Enjoy. Once arrested there they are yours for the duration.