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Huckleberries Online

Sis: Beware of ‘Principled’ People

Sisyphus: Here's a little piece of unsolicited advice. When people get all hopped up on a healthy dose of vindication and start retaining lawyers because of the 'principle' of the thing, they'll often do just about anything to prove they're right. And the lawyers and investigators are retained to produce results to that end. Innocent people who get in the way of that are expendable, as is, often, the truth. I recognize that people have nothing to hide, and are eager to demonstrate as much. But our system is designed to make voting simple and easy and its up to our administrators to make sure its done within the confines of the law at the time its going on. People complaining it wasn't done properly have the burden of proof in establishing such. Rest of the comment below

Question: Has all the flap -- lawsuits, online accusations, and private investigation -- resulting from the never-ending city council election of '09 made you reconsider your desire to vote?

There's a wide array of laws securing the proper process as well as criminal statutes designed to deter people from wrongfully interfering in that process. Have a look:…

Now it seems to me that Brannon's team would take exquisite glee in attempting to demonstrate that Kennedy voters violated these criminal statutes and their motivations just might overcome any proper process. The secrecy of ballots is sacrosanct in our democracy as are the privacy rights contained in the fourth, fifth and sixth amendments of the US Constitution. Its not incumbent upon any citizen to volunteer such information, particularly to a group who can and will use such information to vilify and condemn you. Keep that in mind when you're being contacted by some one who just wants to ask you a few questions. You may just get drug into the vortex of slime they seem to wanna create.

Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.