10 Things Don’t Say To Jobless Friend
"Unemployed sucks. Yesterday, I heard back from two of my most recent spate of about 10 job applications. One was a sorry-we-decided-not-to-hire-anyone and the other was a sorry-we-decided-not-to-hire-you. When I was a young fiction writer with stars in my eyes, I used to save my rejection letters, with the fantasy of pulling them out in some future celeb interview. Ah well. These days I’m not so starry eyed or sentimental"/First The Good News ... List here. H/T: Treasured Valley (Treasure Valley Blogs)
- Talking past each other but in proximity/Fort Boise
- Idaho delegation weighs in -- sorta -- on Haiti arrests/Kevin Richert
- Minnick proposes 'meaner' health care reform?/MountainGoat Report
- No special access for capitol reporters/Randy Stapilus
- Helping the thaw/Nicole LeFavour, Notes from the Floor
Question: Can you add to the list provided by First The Good News re: things you shouldn't say to someone who is unemployed in the current deep recession?