My Two Cents: In Praise of Larry Spencer
He's the guy with the mullet that Huck's Online regulars ridicule religiously. He's got whacky conspiracy theories, has had his own legal troubles and no one seems to know what he does for a living. He makes claims of insider knowlege of senatorial bribery but brings no facts of proof to the table.
But like him or loathe him Larry Spencer does what all citizens should do: he asks questions of those who are elected to serve the public good. And he doesn't accept standard-issue government answers.
That's what makes America great. Ordinary citizens can demand accountability from elected officials. Larry may yell "The emperor's got no clothes!" when the emperor is wearing a tuxedo, but at least he makes his voice heard when it comes to holding public servants accountable-- at least some public officials.
Perhaps if more citizens were involved and asking questions, our communties would be better off.
And that's my two cents.