Victim Had Tough Life, Big Heart
Friends said a woman shot to death by her boyfriend on Sunday had a
9-month-old baby and ived with her mother at the Augusta Avenue home. Michael Trout, who said he’s known Samantha Clark Franco (right)
for about 10 years, said she attended Havermale High School but
never graduated. “She was pretty much a street kid,” Trout said. “She had a very tough life.” Trout said Franco hadn’t been dating her accused killer, Tristen
Jordan (left), long. He said he’s heard the couple was partying at the
home when they got in an argument and Franco asked Jordan to leave.
Jordan left, but returned with a gun, Trout said/Meghann Cuniff, Sirens & Gavels. More here.
Question: Do you know any "street people" or homeless people?